Hello 2023!
If the new year doesn’t excite you, nothing will.
Today is Friday 06 January 2023 (not that anyone won’t know the date), but more to remind myself that we are 6 days in to 2023 already. I guess for me, like everyone else, we hope that 2023 will be the year. It better be. 2022 sucked. 2020 and 2021 were wiped out…pretty much. Anyway, let’s not dwell on the past.
What are you looking forward to in 2023? We can pause for a minute, or two or 60. I think it’s important to sit down and plan the year. Not in the sense of “New Year New Me”, but a more deliberate attempt to make 2023 the best year yet.
And why the hell not? It’s about time. Let’s stop putting ourselves last. Everyone else before you. That is so last year.
Now to the good stuff, how are we going to make 2023 the best year yet? I’ve written down a few things, in fact, 3. Health, Wealth and Happiness. Let’s dive in.
Even though I hate to admit it, I’m not a spring chicken anymore. I’m 44. It means that things will start to sag and droop and wrinkle. Let’s face it, it will happen to all of us at one time or the other.
For me though, I’ve resolved that I will continue to get into my best shape in terms of fitness and overall well-being. I get to the gym or go for a walk at least 3 times a week at the moment, I would like to increase that to 5 times a week.
The gym is just around the corner from me and opens from 05h00 until 09h00 pm. There really is no excuse. If the weather is nice, I will go for a walk around my neighbourhood. That’s me, healthy in 2023.
I started an investment account a few years ago, but my contributions were erratic at best up to now. I’ve gotten better in 2022, with contributions more steady and on a monthly basis, but there is room for improvement.
I plan to contribute 30% to my investments from my paycheck at the end of each month. This may mean cutting down on non-essential spending like eating out. I know it can be done, but I’ve been dragging my feet up to now. Well, 2023 is going to be different.
Happiness, what a conundrum. It can mean so many different things to different people. It’s also so intangible that you never know whether you’ve achieved it or not. I believe happiness starts with gratitude.
To be grateful for everything you have and everything you have achieved up to now. The best way to do this is to keep a gratitude journal. Write in it every day, even on the days that you don’t feel grateful, especially on those days.
Another way to achieve happiness is to cut out all non-essentials. They say the wisdom of life consists of the elimination of the non-essentials. That means people and things. You don’t have to say yes to everything. With crowds comes noise, and we don’t need any more noise.
It brings me to the last point on this. Make time every day either at the beginning of the day or the end of it to be alone with your thoughts and to think about the day. This will ground you and give you purpose.
Life is a journey of one. People can walk with you and support you, but no one can walk this journey for you. Make peace with that.
We have 359 days left in 2023. That’s more than you need, way more. Define your purpose, get goals and go for it.
We only have one life, let’s live it.