Running, my Rock and Refuge
Take back control of your life.
I can’t remember exactly when I started this love affair with running, him/her and I have a daily connection time now. If a chocolate chip cookie hot chocolate used to do it for you, you haven’t tasted this yet!
I used to be stressed out, all the time. With 2 small kids (they are not so small anymore) and a stressful job and the 2 goldfish that died again, I was looking everywhere for a quick remedy.
Immune system boosters would give you a kick in the morning, but you would be flat by lunchtime. I took up spinning and yoga classes at the gym and that was ok. But I wasn’t in love.
For about 2 years now, I’ve taken up running. First just every now and then, but soon I was doing 5 days a week and I love it. There is nothing like putting on my Beats headset and jogging out the gate. I do about 5 km on average.
What a great way to start or end your day. In a world where there is increasing pressure to perform at work and school and where it’s all about competing with colleagues and classmates. When you are running, it’s your own race. You set the pace. Your heartbeat goes up, you sweat and all the stress slowly leaves you.
It doesn’t have to be running for you, maybe dancing, rock climbing, hiking, swimming.
Start with something.
Start examining your life.
Are you also sitting at a desk from 08h00 to 18h00? Because that’s what the boss wants. That’s what everyone else is doing. Well, maybe they are single and don’t have a wife and kids waiting eagerly for you to come home every day.
When you get home, the little one is asleep on the coach already. All they want is to spend time with mommy and daddy.
I heard at some tech companies workers are putting in an insane amount of hours, until about 10 pm each night.
That cannot be healthy. Even if you have no one waiting for you at home. Another year will go by and you will have nothing to show for it, except the pre-mature grey.
Make time for your family.
Make time to exercise.
Make time to create.
Make time to read.
Make the time.