Take off the Layers of Non-Essential BS
Take back control of your life.
I asked a friend if she was free to go hiking on Sunday. She said, let me check my calendar, one of 3. One for work, one for family and one for the church group she belongs to. My throat tightens just thinking about having to navigate all of that.
“You cannot overestimate the unimportance of practically everything.”― John Maxwell
We are bombarded with information all day, right there on your phone. We don’t know how to switch off any more. Many of us are suffering from chronic fatigue. We rush from meeting to meeting, rush home to try and beat the traffic, to have a microwave dinner and pass out on the couch. To do it all over again tomorrow.
It’s time to have a heart to heart with yours truly. Sit down and make a list of everything that absolutely needs to be done every day. They are not many.
Take a deep breath and start stripping away. If you belong to 3 social clubs, that’s too many. Decide how many invitations for coffees or lunch you are willing to accept in a month. What is the purpose of these?
Maybe you don’t want to let your friend down? Well, when it comes to friends, keep your circle small. Spend your time with those who are on the same path as you, a path towards self-improvement and success.
Don’t be the one buying the rounds at the bar. If you are, you are missing the point.
What a nice feeling it is to wake up on a Saturday with an empty schedule. Unless you set aside to time for self-improvement and growth, keep your schedule empty.
You will need the time to get clarity on where you are in your life, where you are heading and how you plan to get there.
They say if you don’t know where you’re going any road will take you there. Now is the time to become focused for we think we have time.
Start living life on purpose.
Cut out the things and people holding you back. Let them know that you are on a different path, let them know where you are headed. They will either laugh or they’ll ask to join. Make time for the important things, like exercising or cooking a healthy meal from scratch.
Don’t be the one who is always connected. When your phone rings, someone wants to talk to you. It’s convenient for them at that moment, but is it convenient for you? Unless you are expecting the call, turn down the ringer and notifications and give your undivided attention to the work you’re busy with.
The quality will be so much better. Even better, leave your phone in the next room when you are busy with an important task.
Start building a quality life.
The earlier you start, the more you will be able to enjoy it later. Don’t be like many who only wake up in their late 30s and 40s and realise that nothing of importance has been achieved until now.
This is especially true when trying to build wealth. The benefit of compound interest will only show after a few years.
In your finances, list your monthly income and expenses and see where you can cut down. The biggest expenses are normally a home and a car.
Take stock and determine if you need the extra half a bathroom? With the car, are you trying to impress someone? Do you need the cable?
Eliminate the things holding you back in wealth and growth and continue to invest in self-improvement and betterment.
Start today.
A year from now you will wish you had started today.
Let’s celebrate a road towards Essentialism, together.