Whose Race Are You Running?
In these tougher than ever times, find solace in the knowledge that you are not alone. We are all running our own race.
I’ve taken some time away from writing and lately, I could feel that something was missing. I had a lot of cropped up emotions just waiting to get out. I don’t really have anything to complain about. I am better off than where I was a year ago.
I’ve made some progress in my current career as an Administrative Manager. The kids are happy and settled in school, but I have this niggling feeling that something is out of place, but I can’t just put my finger on it.
We are 4 months into 2019. New Year’s resolutions are a distant memory by now. They say if you want to be good at something you must put in 10 000 hours, nothing less.
I went to a dancing recital at school and all the children were smiling and giggling from ear to ear. You wish that you can somehow take that magic with you into adulthood, into your new job, your promotion and relocation to a different city, your daughter’s first day at school.
Why do you wake up every day feeling like you are running a race, and you are in second last place — again. You’ve practised and you psychologically prepared yourself for the race, but it doesn’t matter what you do, you always end up first or second, from the back.
It’s like hitting your head against a brick wall, hoping the wall would finally give way and fall over.
I think it’s time to stand back and re-assess. Whose race are you running? Is it the race your parents want you to run? Is it the first and easiest job or career or man (or woman) that you could get? I think we need to look our past actions squarely in the eyeballs and decide whether this path we are on is worth continuing or not.
Once the decision is made (presuming we all want to change), the hard work starts. Unfortunately, the nature of the beast is such that it doesn’t want any upsets in the status quo. It doesn’t want the needle or cheese moved. Yeah, it’s gonna fight you on that one baby.
You are gonna wonder why, in the first place? Things were much easier as they were. These are the growing pains we all must go through if we want positive and lasting change. It’s not easy. It’s going to be difficult for a while. Any amount of time spent here in this difficult place is geared to shape you and mould you so that you are ready and receptive and the breakthrough comes, and it always comes.
The harvest doesn’t come before the seed is sown. I pray that none of us chicken out as we find ourselves in this place of unease. It’s better to be in an uneasy place for a while and then have the rewards later than to be complacent and comfortable in a place that doesn’t stretch and grow you.
Time doesn’t stand still.
Enough time has passed already.
It’s time to act now.