You Are Running Out Of Time!
With 2020 around the corner, start now to build a new life that you will be proud of in exactly one year from now.
I can’t say this with more urgency. If you are in your 20s and you are reading this, what are your thoughts? Perhaps that you have plenty of time? Time to choose the right career, time to find the right partner, settle down in the right city, start a family. When you’re in your 20s you have plenty of time. We forgive you for thinking that. Because those were our very thoughts when we were in our 20s.
I will turn 41 in exactly 30 days, on December 17th. I love the maturity that comes with age, but at the same time, I wish I had started sooner with a few things. Like saving and investing money. With the benefits of compound interest, you cannot start too early.
Same with your health. Go for those regular check-ups even when you feel like a spring chicken. Get off the couch, start exercising. Don’t wait till you’re double the average body size to start. If you’re in a job that you don’t like, don’t stay. It won’t get better. Update your cv, go to networking events and let people know that you are in the market for a new job.
If you don’t ask, the answer will always be no.
When you think you’ve found the right partner and it’s someone who you really connect with and have a special bond with, don’t wait too long to walk her down the aisle. Don’t be the guy or girl who perpetually goes from one relationship to the other without any loss of enthusiasm. There is no such thing as the perfect relationship. They don’t exist.
You take the imperfect and make it perfect.
Don’t wait too long to have kids. It will be a bonus if both of you are ready at the same time (to have kids), one usually isn’t. One person would be so content with climbing the career ladder, while the other person is patiently waiting at the bottom. Some never come down, don’t be the one holding the ladder wishing and hoping. Make your intentions known and give a timeline. When the time has come, be ready to pack up and go. It won’t be easy. It can break you. But stand your ground.
Once you have taken that first step it becomes easier and new opportunities will open up. If there is one thing that I’ve learned is that once you’ve made a decision to make certain changes and achieve certain milestones, new doors start to open, sometimes suddenly and other times more subtle, but perceivable and positive nonetheless.
Don’t take your current position for granted. Don’t think that you have to be stuck here. Not in the least. However, you need a willingness to make these changes. As we are now 45 days away from 2020 if you are not excited about a new year and new opportunities there must be something wrong.
Don’t be the complacent one that doesn’t believe in change. Or the one who thinks that the generational curses of poverty and ignorance are set to continue. Not if you don’t want them to.
Why can’t you be the first one in your family to break these curses?
You have been made for a time such as this.
Don’t wait till January 1st to change your life. In fact, nothing will happen if you wait till January 1st after the party and the hangover and the euphoria have settled. It will be hard to get going without any plan. Start now. Write down your goals of 2020. Write down action steps of how you plan to achieve each one.
Keep your mind sharp by reading and learning and keep your body in shape. Eat better. Less Netflix.
Make the next 366 days count. 2020 is a leap year. All the more reason to grab hold of the promise of something better for the person who is willing to work for it. I wish that for you and me.
Lastly, enjoy the journey.